The Great Affiliate Debate:
Could Your Company Survive
An Affiliate Model?
Friday, March 1
11:15 am - 12:00 pm (Main Ballroom)
The use of Influencers and affiliates with a straightforward one-or-two level commission-based approach continues to be a significant part of the direct selling conversation. While many in the industry tout the benefits and potential revenue from the model, many direct selling companies with compensation plans already in place find balancing affiliate with distributor needs to be incredibly challenging, and "a wrong move" could lead to conflicts or dissatisfaction among salesforce members. Can affiliate marketing and the use of paid Influencers integrate into our channel to drive more sales? Or is it all just another distraction?
Join us in this enlightening panel as we look at the pros and cons of one-or-two level marketing plans and candidly discuss challenges to both field and corporate office.